Born to Ride, Designed to Roar”: A nod to the open road.

Who Are Emmylou and Smurf, You Ask?

Greetings, dear mortals! 🌟 Allow me to introduce myself: Emmylou, the one-woman powerhouse behind the enigmatic enterprise known as Rat-Ryder. 🐀🏍️

Now, you might be wondering, “What kind of mystical realm is Rat-Ryder?” Well, my friends, it’s not a secret society of rodent-riding rebels (although that would be pretty epic). No, no! Rat-Ryder is where creativity and chaos collide, and I’m the mad conductor orchestrating this peculiar symphony.

Smurf, my trusty sidekick (and husband, but let’s keep that hush-hush), occasionally lends a hand. Picture him as the Robin to my caffeinated Batman – minus the cape and with a penchant for quirky memes. 🦸‍♂️🤪

Now, let’s peel back the curtain, shall we? Rat-Ryder isn’t your run-of-the-mill conglomerate with a boardroom full of suits. Oh, no! It’s just me, my laptop, and a virtual menagerie of digital cats. 🐱🔥

Designs? Yep, those are my brainchildren – lovingly crafted, printed, and embroidered. When you unwrap that Rat-Ryder package, know that it’s been touched by the same hands that once accidentally superglued their foot to the floor. True story. 🙈

Customer service? That’s our jam! We respond to emails faster than a caffeinated squirrel chasing after an elusive acorn. And social media? Well, we’ve mastered the art of emoji diplomacy. 📧🐿️

“But Emmylou,” you say, “isn’t Rat-Ryder a sprawling empire?” Ha! The truth is, it’s a one-woman circus. Imagine me juggling flaming torches while herding unruly pixels aboard our efficiency ship – the SS Rat-Ryder – through the stormy seas of customer demands. 🌊

And quality service? Oh, my sweet summer pixels, that’s my middle name. Well, technically, it’s ‘Error 404’, but close enough! 😄

So, dear patrons, thank you for your unwavering support. Remember, behind every Rat-Ryder creation lies a dash of madness, a sprinkle of caffeine, and a whole lot of love. 🖤

Stay weird, stay wild, and keep riding those metaphorical rats! 🐀✨

Our Identity and Purpose

In a world where conformity reigns supreme, Rat-Ryder emerges like a leather-clad phoenix, flipping the bird at mediocrity. 🦅

Rat-Ryder: Not just a clothing brand, but a two-wheeled revolution against the mundane. Our gear isn’t for the faint-hearted; it’s for those who crave the adrenaline rush of a burning rubber symphony and the wind-whipped freedom of the open road.

🏍️ Road warriors, listen up! Whether you’re cruising on a rat bike or straddling a hardtail chopper, our designs scream individuality louder than a V-twin engine at full throttle. 🤘

We craft biker apparel for the rebels who ride to their own rhythm—unapologetically, like a rock ballad played on repeat. 🎸

Our collection? Oh, it’s more diverse than a biker’s playlist. From edgy to audaciously bold, our threads celebrate authenticity. Picture this: you, tearing up the road, clad in gear that speaks your language. No compromises. No conforming to societal norms. Just pure, unbridled passion.

🤟 The Rat-Ryder Creed: Why choose Rat-Ryder? Because we’re not just a brand; we’re a two-wheeled manifesto. We’re the burnout at the crossroads of style and rebellion, the wheelie in the face of conformity. So gear up, my fellow misfits. Let’s ride like the wind, laugh at the speed limit, and leave mediocrity in our dust.

Rat-Ryder—where the road meets the revolution. 🏍️✊

In a world where conformity prevails, we proudly defy the norm. Rat-Ryder is more than a clothing brand; it’s a two-wheeled rebellion against mediocrity.

Inspired by the growl of engines, the burn of rubber, and the freedom of the open road, we craft gear for those who live life on the edge.

Our collection isn’t for the boring. It’s for the road warriors, and the twist-of-the-throttle rebels. From rat bikes to hardtail choppers, our designs scream individuality.

We craft biker apparel for those who ride to their own rhythm—unapologetically.

Our collection embodies the spirit of individuality. From edgy to audaciously bold, our designs celebrate authenticity. Whether you’re tearing up the road or cruising through life, our motorbike clothing speaks your language. No compromises. No conformity. Just pure passion.

Why choose us? Because we understand the thrill of the open road. We’re not just a brand; we’re your accomplice in freedom. So gear up, ride hard, and embrace the rebel within. Rat-Ryder—where style meets rebellion.

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emmylou ratryder rusty 1200 bandit chop sidecar
rat ryder biker stall website picture
bandit 1200 rusty chop and sidecar rat ryder

Custom and Club Clothing

We’re always happy to be contacted about designs for custom clothing for clubs and businesses

We can also custom print clothing with your own logo and text ideas. 

Get in touch and we’ll be happy to work with you!

Shows | Rallies | Events

Find our travelling stall at bike shows, rallies and events throughout the UK. If you’d like to see our stall at an event near you, please get in touch and let us know about it! Visit our events page to see where we’re headed next and come try on the merchandise in real life!

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